DaVinci InfoServer

Integrate DaVinci into your website, mobile devices or external applications

Infographic: DaVinci InfoServer

When it comes to publishing your timetables and substitution plans on the internet there's no bette tool than DaVinci InfoServer. This is a ISAPI-Plugin for your web server (IIS and Apache are supported) which turns your website into a Web server in no time at all. DaVinci InfoServer communicates with DaVinci SERVER and delivers back static HTML upon request, data for DaVinci Mobile or DaVinci WebBox.

Integration in your website

Display the latest timetables and substitution plans directly on your website. You can decide whether DaVinci INFOSERVER should deliver you static HTML pages or pure data for DaVinci WEBBOX. DaVinci WebBox is a JavaScript-based framework for embedding in a website. All necessary information regarding installation and configuration of DaVinci InfoServer connecting to DaVinci WebBox can be found in our online documentation

Integrating DaVinci Mobile

A successful connection to DaVinci InfoServer is required so that DaVinci Mobile can display data on your smart phone or tablet. This responds to all request from DaVinci Mobile and delivers the requested data back. All necessary information regarding installation and configuration of DaVinci InfoServer connecting to DaVinci Mobile can be found in our online documentation.

Integrate in external professional applications

If desired, DaVinci InfoServer can deliver back data in JSON format (JavaScript object notation). This a standard format for Web services and allows external applications to consume data directly from DaVinci.

Icon: JSON